
Call of duty world at war ray gun
Call of duty world at war ray gun

call of duty world at war ray gun call of duty world at war ray gun

They are activated when an enemy gets close. This is the in-game equivalent to COD4's 'RPG-7 x2' Perk.Ģx Bouncing Betty - Gives the player 2 'Bouncing Betty' Anti-Personnel mines. This is the in-game equivalent to COD4's 'C4 x2' Perk.Ģx M9A1 Bazooka - Gives the player an M9A1 'Bazooka' Rocket Launcher with 2 rockets. 3x Special Grenades - Gives the Player 3 special grenades instead of one, minus smoke grenades.Ģx Satchel Charge - Two remotely detonated charges.

Call of duty world at war ray gun